Saturday 5 March 2016

The agenda to make meeting effective:

One of the most important element to make meeting productive is creating effective agenda. There are some reason for importance of effective agenda:

·         Topics for discussion

·         Proper discussion on topic with presentation

·         Proper time allotment for each topic

·         Provides the main focus of the meeting and the main objective of the meeting.

All we need to follow is the following steps to have effective agenda to make meeting productive:

1.       Send an email describing about the meeting all the necessary details such as when and where it will be held. Moreover, in email it should be asked to accept or decline for the meeting and once they have agreed they have to attend the meeting.

2.       Ask the participants before 2-3 days of the meeting to bring their ideas by making presentation to make their views more clear and successful to understand and present properly.

3.       Once all the important members are invited and requested to bring their ideas it is responsibility of the presenter or leader to make a table describing the proper schedule for the meeting and allotment of time to discuss a particular topic.

4.       Send all the details of meeting schedule to each participants with reminder of time, venue, meeting goals and objectives, duration during what they will be allotted to speak and present their ideas.

 Effective meetings using technology  

electronic meetings one of the way to make meetings more effective


An effective meeting guides the person through various meeting steps to meet meeting objectives. Most meeting productivity software helps to store meeting agenda, objectives and related important information to store in electronic workspace as it is safe. Apart from this, this workspace can be mailed to participants prior to the meeting so that objectives can be clear among all the members of meeting.

During an electronic meeting, one can access the meeting agenda and goals from the workspace to have proper understanding and clarity about the topics that need to be discussed in the meeting. Some productivity software have reminder that reminds about the proper scheduled time to discuss the particular topic to avoid the timings run over time. In addition to this, in these electronic meetings software also allows to save all the decision by recording all the decision that were made during the meeting along with task assigned with their deadlines to be completed.

Benefits of electronic meeting

By executing electronic meeting to have effective and productive meeting there are some benefits such as:

o   All meeting material and information is located at one workspace

o   It ensures accountability as all the decision are recorded

o   Lifelong records of meetings are kept and stored

o   All the information is secure and accessible.  

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