Tuesday 8 March 2016

Reason for unsuccessful meeting:

Some of the reasons for unsuccessful meeting is behavioural and systematic.
They are:
  Ø  Undecided purpose: This is one of most important decision to take before starting a meeting without having any objective, goal or agenda a meeting cannot be successful.
  Ø  Lack of preparation: The most important step that helps to make meeting effective. It is responsibility of an organiser to make sure that all the arrangements are done well. All the participant can be comfortable and most importantly can be able to understand.
  Ø The wrong participants: As if purpose is undecided and there is no preparation for meeting simultaneously there would wrong choice of participants. At that point inviting unnecessarily might be cause for failure of meeting.
  Ø  Interest of participants in meeting: The interest of participant can be known by the involvement of members in meeting. However, the behaviour such as tapping on laptop, side discussion, turning up late all these symptoms show there lack of interest in meeting and can further be reason for unproductive meeting.
  Ø  Poor participation: Lack of objective or less involvement by members can be reason for ineffective meeting. In addition to this, member’s views are very important to take forward an effective meeting so if they are not contributing well there would be inefficiency in decision work.
  Ø  Hidden objective:  While calling for a meeting when the agenda is stated but the motive is to overthrow than surely it cannot be a successful meeting.

To overcome unproductive meetings need to know:

  1.  What are reason for the failure to prepare team members for meeting?  
  2. What is important change that need to make to make it productive?
  3.  Do there are right people at right places at our team meetings?


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