Monday 7 March 2016

At the meeting:

Set some ground rules. These ground rules need to be followed by all the participant to have efficient and productive meeting. They should be discussed time to time by the groups.

Some of the ground rules are:

·         All the members have equal rights and can participate.

·         The minority is given first priority

·          The decisions of majority is carried out.

·         All the topics need to be discussed as scheduled.

·         Decisions must be taken fairly and unprejudiced.

o   Start and end the meeting as scheduled.

o   At the meeting, an ice breaking activity should be performed to set the mindset of the group members to work in team

o   Introduce everyone with each other especially new comers and welcome them so that they can be comfortable in the meeting environment.

o   Summarise the purpose behind the meeting. Write on the blackboard about all the timely scheduled topics that need to be accomplished and discussed in meeting. This helps the participants to keep on track in meeting.

o   Encourage all the participants to give views on topics that need to be discussed.

o   Avoid topic drift keep focus on one topic and along with that avoid irrelevant comments and views made by members in meeting that try to drift the conversation further from the objective.

o   Avoid non-verbal communication. Moreover, the body language of members  give clues about the interest of the participants as need to have further discussion on topic in meeting or not.

o   The chairperson in meeting should conclude all the discussed and summarise all the details to sum up so that ask for vote or expression of consensus.

Use an “action sheet” that records all the details regarding the commitments made by the members to meet the deadlines.

Conclude the meeting:
      Review the action sheet and have check on the commitment made by the participants to ensure that people who were assigned work are working on that. Apart from this, include the time, date and location for the next meeting to avoid confusion.
Evaluating the meeting:
After the meeting discuss all the issues related to it that where improvements are required or any problem that need to be sort out before a next meet. Rotation of responsibility of any work to have efficiency and equal chance to perform duties. Have all the details of discussed topics with record of discussed survey tools on Internet and taken decisions.  

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